It's been a tumultuous time as of late for me with a death in my family, but coming out of that shadow, there is a bright spot. I managed to nab copies of the starter set and core rulebook for The One Ring. I also bought a couple of dice packs with the hope of correcting the possibility of a misprinted d12 in the starter set (more on that a bit down the line). Well, no good idea or deed goes unpunished - or gazed upon by Sauron's Eye.
You see, the first round of dice made for TOR 2e had misprinted d12s. The d12 in TOR is an extra die rolled by the player or GM with the potential to cause weal or woe to the character making the test. The original d12 had Sauron's Eye in place of the 11 and Gandalf's Rune in place of the 12. The new dice have Sauron's Eye mistakenly in place of the 1. While I don't have an eye for dice probabilities, I've been told this makes things swing a bit more in the Dark Lord's favor.
It's a simple mistake, one I'm not going to get bent out of shape over. In most RPGs a roll of 1 isn't a good thing, especially on an effect die. It usualy signifies trouble of some degree based on the overall outcome of the dice roll. While Free League has offered to replace these dice when returned, I don't plan on taking them up on the offer. I don't have time (or money) to waste sending three d12s across the pond and then waiting for three replacements to come back across the water. That being said, I'm just going to interpret an 11 as a 1. It's all I can do. Worse case scenario is that I'll have to roll the d12 myself using my 1e d12 or use a regular d12 and interpret it as the rules state.
My first demos are decidedly going to be online as local gaming shops do not have their gaming space open quiet yet. As for the convention scene, it's up in the air due to a number of things I don't feel at liberty to discuss. Whether or not I attend ANY convention will depend on their COVID rules, my comfort level, and whether or not there's a virtual option should I feel uncomfortable attending in person.
That's all I have to report at this time. More to come as things develop...